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ScaleUp Radio

May 19, 2023

Hello I’m Granger Forson or find me on LinkedIn.

This time on ScaleUp Radio I speak with David Holland, the owner of Exela.


Exela is a Marketing business that is based in Cheltenham. David started it 22 years ago and helps gritty entrepreneurs develop their marketing to bring in the leads for their sales process through using different tools.


What is interesting in David’s discussion about marketing is while Exela uses technology to aid their clients, the key is always in the skill of ‘driving interaction’, which is at the heart of all human connection since time began.


As always, we cover a lot of ground, including:


 - Marketing is an experiment to find what works.

 - You will need more than just one marketing stream.

 - Technology like AI is a tool to speed things up, but the hard work of thinking still needs to be done.


What I enjoyed so much about this conversation with David is how much marketing is nothing new, has always been going on and how people who think they can just ‘Buy’ a solution will never be successful. 


As a business owner while you can outsource the task of marketing, you must own it to be truly successful.


I know that you’ll get a lot out of this episode.


David can be found here:





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Drawing on BizSmart’s own research and experiences of working with hundreds of owner-managers, Kevin Brentexplores the key reasons why most organisations do not scale and how the challenges change as they reach different milestones on the ScaleUp Journey. He then details a practical step by step guide to successfully navigate between the milestones in the form of ESUS - a proven system for entrepreneurs to scale up. 
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