Apr 14, 2023
Welcome to another fascinating episode of ScaleUp Radio.
This time I talk with Adrian Burden, who is the co founder of Blockmark Technologies. Adrian is someone who has been through the whole journey from startup in the technical space, raising finance, through building and scaling his business and then eventually having a successful exit.
Adrian has also written a book capturing some of his key lessons along the way called Start to Exit, so he knows what he's talking about. Now he's building a business based around digital certificates and we skirt around things like blockchain and NFT's or Non Fungible Tokens. But as always, it's not about the technology so much as it's about the business and the lessons that we can learn about building and scaling our businesses, and there is so much to take away from this episode.
So I'm not going to spoil it any more. I'm just going to suggest that we go across and listen to Adrian Burden and the rest of his story.
We delve into some aspects of strategy in our discussion, if you would like to level up your strategic thinking, you could start with taking our acclaimed and free scoreapp – it will only take you a couple of minutes https://strategicthinking.scoreapp.com
Adrian can be found here:
Start To Exit by Adrian Burden - https://www.waterstones.com/book/start-to-exit/adrian-burden/9781999832902
Non-Bullshit innovation by David Rowan - https://www.waterstones.com/book/non-bullshit-innovation/david-rowan/9781787633704
Discord - https://discord.com/
Jira - https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira