Sep 22, 2023
Welcome to ScaleUp Radio, where we bring you inspiring stories of entrepreneurial success.
In this episode, get ready to be captivated by Brett Sanders, director and co-founder of the Natural Deodorant Company.
Join us as Brett reveals the incredible journey behind their natural deodorant that effectively eliminates odour.
From humble beginnings in their own home to creating a thriving business, Brett and his team overcame challenges, gained valuable insights, and turned their passion into a remarkable success story.
Discover the secrets of their product formulation, the power of education and sample sizes, and their strategies for managing cash flow and meeting growing demand.
Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or simply looking for inspiration, this episode will leave you motivated and ready to take on new challenges.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Brett's incredible entrepreneurial journey and unlock the keys to scaling up your own business.
Brett can be found here:
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