Sep 28, 2020
This week’s guest on ScaleUp Radio is Phil Base from Offsite Servers, and IT solutions provider.
Normally, one of these things that happens in these intros is that we tell you about Phil’s journey, and how he’s arrived at his current role.
However, I’m not going to do that this time.
Phil’s story is so...
Sep 21, 2020
For this week’s guest on ScaleUp Radio, recruitment has been something that she has been involved in since leaving university.
And that is how Emma Richardson made her journey from the north of England to London to Worcester - and Four Squared Recruitment.
Now, whilst Emma has worked in recruitment all of...
Sep 14, 2020
This week’s guest on ScaleUp Radio is Rob Savage from Control & Shift, who are an IT support company.
Of course, it could have been Rob from Rob or any number of companies over the past 18 years.
As you’ll hear, Rob has changed the name of the business quite a few times before settling on Control & Shift...
Sep 7, 2020
In this episode of ScaleUp Radio, we have another recent online session, dealing with forecasting your cashflow and budgets.
Obviously, now more than ever, the amount of money in a business is a major concern for so many business owners, and it’s something that we’ve touched on in previous episodes. If you haven’t...